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SmartDesk Error Codes

General Reset Instructions

For most error codes (excluding E01 and E03), perform a reset. Check this article to reset your desk.

Important Information: Certain control boxes may not support all functions. Unless the error is E01 or E03, please reset the desk as outlined above when other codes appear. 

E01 – Overheating Protection: This indicates the motor has overheated. Turn off the power, unplug the desk, and wait 20 minutes before reconnecting and testing it.  

E03 – Obstacle Detection: An obstruction is preventing movement. Remove any obstacles and attempt to operate the desk again.


① Check if the control box is horizontally installed at the bottom of the table; and the keypad is on the place
② Are the fixing screws of the control box and the table board securely locked to ensure that the control box does not shake during normal operation;
③ Please remove any obstacles.

*** Other codes: For further details on other error codes, please find the list at bellow. If the issue persists, please contact our support team with the error code and a brief description of the problem.


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