What Happens When Sitting on a Hard Chair Too Long?
Work Wellness

What Happens When Sitting on a Hard Chair Too Long?

|Dec 17, 2024

Sitting on a chair for excess time has always been attributed to a sedentary lifestyle, even if you do exercises in the morning before getting to work.  If you are working at your computer system, you probably are sitting for long periods. Sitting for long hours has its disadvantages. Your tush takes all the pressure of a hard seat, and your body stiffens and causes health concerns with backache, neck sprain, stiff body postures, and more.  You are possibly achieving a great deal on your professional front and in your career at the risk of spoiling your health.

Is sitting on a hard chair bad for you? If you are pondering on this, you probably already know the answer. It is advisable not to sit on any surface for too long.

After sitting on a hard chair, the pain can alleviate if you have not used a cushion or a proper soft seat. Even then, a hard chair should only be used as the last resort for as little time as possible. 

What is the exact cause? Studies indicate that when you sit on a hard surface like a chair, you are on your sit bones (medical term ischial tuberosities) in your pelvis. This causes high pressure to the bones and muscles from the pelvis and shows symptoms like sore back and sprains.

How Does Sitting on a Hard Chair Affect You?

In many ways as a doctor would tell you. While sitting up straight has always been the most common recommendation, the top five common health concerns when you sit in a hard chair for too long are:

Sores/ pains

As shared above, once your sit bones are impacted, the pain increases. Especially things like a butt hurt when sitting on a hard chair. The muscles are not moving while bone has a direct impact.

Sores/ pains

Reduced blood circulation

With sitting down, you are working very little.  Further incorrect postures while sitting for work increase reduce blood circulation. While movement and frequent light exercises are suggested during the workday, most folks find it uneasy to follow this routine, perhaps due to work pressures or are just not bothered about their health.


Lack of movement of the body causes reduced blood circulation.  This also means that your body is storing the excess fat, and hence chances of obesity increase.  Obesity has a direct impact on your heart and cardiovascular-related issues.

Decreased alertness/ Increased fatigue

With a low movement of the body, it automatically shuts down the body system to use energy.  As you start feeling tired, you will notice that you are sloppy and fatigued.

Stiff body and aches

Sitting for long hours with fewer movements leads to stiffness. With repetitive stiffness, you get muscles that are tired and stretched due to incorrect postures.

Stiff body and aches

Many folks also ask, is sitting on the floor bad for you? Many nations and cultures have promoted sitting on the floor since ancient times. The benefits of sitting on the floor have been many. But then note that sitting on the floor has been used more for exercises and prayers that are not for as long as you sit in an office for work.

Some folks have also tried sitting cross legged on a chair, which has its disadvantages. While it may show temporary relief, the muscles can cramp up, and your blood flow also decreases.

What is the solution to this?

Solution? An Ergonomic Chair!

Apart from taking frequent breaks, doing light exercises to stretch your body, it would be best if you surely had a comfortable chair. Most comfortable office chairs offer you a good recline, an easy swivel so you can reach various things on your desk, and more.

In the last few years, ergonomics has provided many solutions to this question. 

Solution? An Ergonomic Chair!

An ergonomic office chair provides the much-desired comfort that a regular office chair cannot.  Comfortable seats, adjustable seat height, seat recline, armrests, headrest, footrests, and more are the best features. As each user is different, they can easily adjust the chair features to suit their body and give it rest.

Do not miss the guidelines to read the best posture to sit on a chair while at work. 

The Best Ergonomic Chair

While most sellers claim that their chair is the best and is designed ergonomically, our selection of the best ergonomic office chair is the ErgoChair Pro.

The best in its class, the ErgoChair Pro has strong lumbar support for your back.  You can move this lumbar support to manage your lower back position and hence is adjustable.  The manufacturers credit the fact that each individual has a different body shape and has a specific need. They have provided you with an adjustable backrest, armrests, height, and seat tilt (forward/backward) for your comfort.

The Best Ergonomic Chair

The seat back and seat itself have fine mesh upholstery that looks elegant and functional to give your skin ample breathability. Do you want to recline your seat?  That's as easy as a comfy lever! Move the lever down to adjust the seat recline up to twenty-two degrees. Comfort yourself by changing positions into any one of the five positions it can be locked in.

Move around the office easily on hard or soft floors with the heavy-duty casters that give you easy mobility. Choose from six different colors that are contemporary and trendy for any office.


To wrap up, sitting on a hard for too long is not advised. It can give you health problems if done often. Your best option is to get an ErgoChair Pro!

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