Motion vs. Action: Are You Making Progress or Just Moving?

Motion vs. Action: Are You Making Progress or Just Moving?

|Oct 10, 2023

Motion and action are the gateways through which we access our aspirations; each holds its own special influence and importance in our success. While both include motion, they signify different things depending on the setting.

Today, we will explore the subtle differences between action vs. motion, highlighting their significance in our daily lives, decision-making processes, and level of success.

The Difference of Motion vs. Action

James Clear well defines the distinction between motion and action. You're in motion whenever you're doing something but not getting anywhere. Alternatively, the kind of activity that will lead to an outcome is action. Many people go through the motions of life as though they are extremely productive, but in reality, they do very little.

The following are some things we might do to lose weight.

  • Find some good, nutritious recipes online.
  • Find out how much a personal trainer will cost by calling local gyms.
  • Gather information about sitting and standing exercises.
  • Plan weekly menus in advance.
  • Look up workout plans online.

All of them appear beneficial at first glance, and some may even be essential. But they're all just empty gestures. They make you feel like you are progressing toward your goals without actually doing so.

Therefore, taking action is important to actually make progress:

  • Start home and office exercises.
  • Get the ingredients you need to make your planned meals.
  • Make the food and eat it.

Here is where the vast majority of people go wrong. They become too involved in planning but never implement any necessary changes.

Active Motion vs. Passive Motion

Active motion refers to movement with aim and purpose; being proactive means acting on a desire for improvement and making a concerted effort to bring desired results. Active motion stems from a desire to accomplish something.

On the other hand, passive motion is a movement that takes place without any deliberate action. It's usually the result of uncontrollable external factors rather than deliberate decisions.

Both active and passive motions can help you achieve desired results, but it's essential to realize the importance of actively taking action to reach a goal.

Tips and Strategies for Taking Action

Without a realistic strategy, all your goodwill and motivation will amount to nothing. No amount of planning will ever result in a successful outcome.

Here are some suggestions to help you create a workable action in motion required to achieve your objectives.

1. Write Down Your Goals

Your efforts will be more fruitful if they are targeted toward achieving specific goals. So, to get started, make a list of your goals. Ask yourself why you want to do something.

Provide as much detail as you can in response to this question. Reduce the overall objective to manageable chunks. If you want to lose weight, that's a major objective. Instead of trying to lose 10 pounds all at once, choose more manageable goals, such as dropping 1 pound every two weeks or trying to be more physical in your work-from-home schedule. This will make it simple to take baby steps toward your big objectives.

2. Set a Deadline

Most of the time, procrastination prevents you from taking the next logical step. Time constraints may make many tasks simpler. Whether you thrive under pressure or like to complete tasks in plenty of time, a deadline can help.

3. Polish Your Skills

When people doubt their own abilities, they are less likely to try new things and are stuck between motion vs. action.

Maybe you haven't finished your university application because you know you won't get in. Read some accepted applications as a starting point, learn how to impress the reader with your achievements, and get your point through in the most engaging way possible.

The next step is to begin your training; start by making a bulleted list of everything you need to learn for a strong application. Keep going with a few different first drafts, or ask someone more qualified for assistance.

It's on you to figure out what's holding you back from progressing. Prioritize honing that skill before proceeding with the remainder of the strategy. This will boost your confidence and raise your likelihood of success.

4. Set Up a Reward System

The reward system justifies and enables taking action. You wake up late when you don't get enough sleep at night. As a result, you often rush out the door without eating breakfast, sometimes miss your bus, and arrive late to work.

You haven't been able to get to bed on time because you've been too engrossed in the premiere of a new show or game on your go-to channel. Using incentives to change your behavior can completely alter the outcome. Promise yourself that if you get up on time every day, you can watch an episode of your favorite show in the evening as a reward.

There is discipline and reward, but most of the time is spent addressing problems. When the first alarm goes off, you'll be incentivized to get up and move. However, several action vs. motion problems will disappear by addressing this underlying source.

Motion and Action: When to Use Them Together

The combination of motion and action can be quite potent. To make progress, you must be able to see where you're going and why. To do so, setting goals and working toward certain objectives is important.

This is the phase when we do something to move ourselves closer to our goals, whether that's setting up systems, making plans of action, gathering resources, or building a network of people who might be able to support us, etc.

Moving and taking action together can help people move closer to their goals, whether those goals are professional advancement, personal growth, or productivity improvement.

The key to success is maintaining momentum while making steady improvements over time. You should set aside time daily to think about where you want to be and perform regular meditation exercises to clear your mind and start fresh.

Remember, you need to be on both sides of the motion vs. action phenomenon to achieve your desired goals.

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This bracelet expertly integrates cutting-edge technology and the science of human behavior to push you to establish and maintain routines that are better for your productivity and will push you consistently to take "action."

With the Autonomous 𝛌 Ring App, you'll be one step closer to your objectives with every tap. Joining the vibrant Discord community will kick start your habit-building journey today!

Final Thoughts

Motions and actions are the glue that holds our life together. Action encompasses dedication, struggle, and intent to achieve our goals, while motion indicates the possibility of change and the first step toward development. Recognizing the differences between motion vs. action and using them to our advantage is an easy and thorough way to achieve success. 

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