The L-shaped Desk Office Layout Ideas for Feng Shui
Workplace Inspiration

The L-shaped Desk Office Layout Ideas for Feng Shui

|Sep 13, 2021

Your office desk's selection, placement, and layout matter a lot when you think of incorporating feng shui in your office layout. As far as the desk’s selection is concerned, you primarily have two desk types, the standard desk and the L-shaped desk. Although some of you might think that the standard desk is better for any office setup, the L-shaped desk office layout boosts your productivity.

We know that some questions might pop up in your mind regarding our idea of treating the L-shaped office desk for promoting productivity. The L-shaped desk setup is better than the normal desk when you are thinking of using feng shui elements to redesign your workspace. Do you know why? Let’s explore that together.

Why Do You Need an L-shaped Desk Instead of a Normal Desk for Feng Shui?

Why Do You Need an L-shaped Desk

The fact that the L-shaped standing desk is more spacious than the normal desk is the foremost reason why they are preferred in feng shui. Once you have an L-shaped standing desk, you do not have to compromise on space even if you have a smaller room to work in.

Such a spacious desk avoids overcrowding, thus helping in clearing your mind and promoting a positive attitude that is exactly what you do by adopting feng shui. The best L-shaped desks are the ones that help you avoid clutter. You can easily place your computer, paperwork, and other such desk accessories without overcrowding.

All of this is only possible because the corner desk has double the space you get in a normal desk. Knowing all these benefits, any office worker would love to get hands-on with an L-shaped desk.

However, the challenge that comes here is how you will plan your office layout with feng shui principles when you have an L-shaped standing desk. To help you with that, we have shared some of the L-shaped desk feng shui layout ideas here. So, let’s have a look at them. 

Some L-shaped Desk Office Layout Ideas for Office

Once you have selected the best corner standing desk, use the following L-shaped desk setup ideas to incorporate feng shui in your office. 

Choose a Commanding Position

Choose a Commanding Position

Feng shui always focuses on choosing a commanding position, but some people don’t understand what it means. A commanding position is basically when you place your desk at a spot where you view the entire office room, or you can see the door side to check whoever is entering the room.

Such a position means you are aware of your surroundings and can work in a more relaxed manner. There is a very common desk position that you should avoid, i.e., people usually place their L-shaped desk in a way that it faces the corner of the room. In this way, you are not aware of who is entering the room, so this is not a commanding position.

Therefore, you should avoid such an angle if you want to incorporate feng shui in your L-shaped desk office layout. However, if you have no other spot, place a mirror in front of you to have a view of the door. 

Add Some Pieces of Expansive Artwork

Add Some Pieces of Expansive Artwork

Your view matters a lot, so adding some expensive artwork broadens your mind. You can also think of using some office wall décor ideas to be a little more creative. Feng shui never recommends you stare at a blank wall, as it represents a block that is not good for your personal and career growth. Placing a mirror on the wall that you’re facing is another way of doing so.

Although we are talking about the importance of a good view a lot, it does not mean that you place your desk right in front of a window as that can increase the glare on your screen. The idea of placing your L-shaped desk set up in front of a window might sound pleasant, but this can be quite distractive. So, placing it at an angle a little away from the window side can be a considerable option. 

Avoid Clutter

As you know, clutter is never good for your productivity, so always try to avoid it in your L-shaped desk office layout. Only keep those accessories at arm's length that are significant to your tasks. You can place any other less important accessories or files in your storage cabinet. So, one additional thing that you can note down here is that you should add some filing cabinets to minimize clutter and maximize storage. 

Avoid Placing Any Sharp Objects

Sharp objects are never good in an L-shaped office desk layout if you wish to attain feng shui. This is because broken or sharp objects have negative energy associated with them. This can lay a negative impact on your productivity and promote other ills. 

Use Natural Light and Greenery

Use Natural Light and Greenery

Natural light and greenery can add the final touch to your L-shaped desk feng shui layout. So, always have a gateway to natural light in your office and place some plants. Natural light and plants will create a more spacious office room that feels airier and provides a better work experience overall. 

Wrapping It Up

You can incorporate feng shui in your L-shaped desk office layout pretty conveniently if you use the simple ideas that we shared with you above. Adding these alterations will help you have an improved workspace and career growth. If you want to purchase furniture to decorate your workspace at a better price, let’s consider bulk office furniture. So, go ahead and give it a shot.

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