The Best Direction to Face While Working in the Office
Workplace Inspiration

The Best Direction to Face While Working in the Office

|Aug 5, 2022

When planning a modern office design, you must be aware of the science of desk arrangement and alignment to ensure maximum productivity during work hours. As an office worker, you must know that productivity is the key to success at work. However, you might not know that the direction at work has a major impact on your productivity, so you have to choose it wisely.

Many office workers don’t realize its importance and place their desks without going through the ideal desk arrangement ideas. That’s why they don’t know the best direction to work. Knowing the best direction for the office desk helps a lot with the proper desk placement. All that eventually adds up to your productivity and ensures you have a positive attitude at work.

You might be a little surprised to know this, but there are certain workplace directions that have positive energies and certain negative energies associated with them. All that counts to the vibe that they reflect. The vibes eventually affect your mood and the way you work. So, it is vital to learn which direction to face while working in an office.


There are two best workplace directions that are considered ideal for every office worker; the East direction and the North-East or North direction. However, they have categories of workers within, so you must know that part to ensure which one is best for you.

One thing to note here is that the Southward and Westward facing workplace directions are never good for your tasks at the workplace because they have negative energies associated with them. So, stick with only the two that we will be discussing below. Now, let's have a look at their details to learn the details. 

The Eastward Direction

The Eastward direction to work

Facing the East side of your office leads to financial growth in the long term. The Eastside is known to have several positive energies associated with them mainly because the Sun rises in the East. It is known for bringing financial wellbeing along.

The Eastward direction is ideal for certain occupations, so if you know them, you can easily check whether you belong to this category or the next one, i.e., the Northern Direction.

A professional in a services industry requires growth in all directions, so they are highly recommended to sit facing the East at work. Eastward direction is also good for Entrepreneurs and executive and managerial staff. The best way of doing that is to place your sit-stand desk in the west portion of your office and face the East.

Your experience would be much better if you had an ergonomic chair with a headrest in your office, as that will add to your comfort. Comfort itself adds to the positive energies you feel when you work while facing the East. 

The North or North-Eastern Direction

The North or North-Eastern direction to work

The North or North-Eastern Direction is the second-best direction to face at work. The North-Eastern and Northern directions are believed to bring great fortune in the near future. These directions are considered auspicious and are known for making you feel fresh. The North direction itself is known for bringing financial prosperity.

Since the North direction has a lot of financial prosperity, Entrepreneurs should think of facing this direction too. You may even find this direction fruitful if you are a trader who is looking for some financial supremacy. The same goes for sales and marketing professionals.

The best way to face North-East is to place your modern ergonomic chair in the northwest of your office. Doing that will make you face North-East once you sit.

However, if you are an accounting professional, you must place your desk and chair in the South-East Corner of your office. Doing that will make you face the North-East. Such a position is ideal for promoting greater wealth.

If you are a business head or owner of a certain business organization, facing North is the best direction to work for you when you are dealing with clients. Otherwise, North-East would work for you if you want to work on your leadership skills.

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You may even find facing the North direction useful if you are in a managerial position. Basically, facing North promotes those positive energies that are responsible for enhancing your leadership skills. Any manager or business owner would love to have that as it will contribute to his credibility and promise him better relations with his team.

If you have worked in teams, you would have noticed how important it is to communicate better with your coworkers. You have to ensure that your team is progressing with you. In order to ensure that your team is gaining the benefits of choosing the right direction, you should evaluate your office layout and give your colleagues' workspace some thought. Arranging their workstations while keeping the positive and negative energies in mind is equally important if you wish to grow as a team. 

Wrapping It Up

Coming towards the end, you may now have a holistic idea regarding the best direction to work while working in an office. That’s why placing your office desk and chair in the right place won't be much difficult for you now. However, if you don't have the best ergonomic office furniture, you must find a reliable store to get one, as comfort adds up to all that we discussed.

The good news for you is that you can find all types of ergonomic office furniture at a discounted rate under our employee purchase program. Our purchase program is designed to offer high-quality ergonomic furniture at lower prices. There are multiple discount offers for you, so you can avail yourself of the benefit of that if you are planning your office. All you will be required to do would be to log on to our program using your corporate email, and you will be good to go.

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