How To Fit Your Office Chair In Your Car?
Smart Products

How To Fit Your Office Chair In Your Car?

|Jul 30, 2022

It can be hard to rid yourself of an old office chair that doesn't fit, whether moving to a new office or simply cleaning up your garage. You can determine whether your ergonomic chair with a headrest fits into the car using certain methods! In this blog post, let's talk about the ways to fit your office chair in the car. Additionally, we have mentioned several options you can use if your office chair doesn't fit in your car.

How Much Space Does an Office Chair Take up in a Car?


Taking the chair apart will allow you to do so. As a result, the standard office chair must be disassembled into two pieces (the lower and upper parts) so that it can be fitted into any car. If you cannot disassemble office chairs or do not wish to, here are a couple of important things you should consider. Nonetheless, measuring the chair inch by inch isn't necessary when it comes to fitting office chairs inside a car. It would be helpful if you had a general idea of the height and width of office chairs. 

Before Purchasing and Installing in Your Car, Let’s Consider These Factors

Dimensions of the chair

Dimensions of the chair

To begin with, will an office chair fit in a car? Yes, but only if you should consider office chair measurements or the size of your office chair. The majority of office chairs measure 40 inches by 20 inches. Cars can accommodate this size well. It would be even better if office chairs were smaller than this. In contrast, if your office car desk chair is larger than this size, you might not be able to fit it in a car easily.

Car trunk size

Trunk sizes range from 50 to 40 inches in most cars. It is pretty good for carrying most office chairs of this size. However, if you own a small car or work in an office too large, the chair might not fit in your vehicle.

A chair's type

A chair's type

An ergonomic chair with neck support that can be disassembled can be easily transported by car. Although most office chairs, like those on our employee purchase program, can be disassembled and reassembled, some brands cannot. See if you can disassemble the chair you own. (Unless you have a large truck, if it can't be disassembled, you can't fit it in a car).

The distance to be traveled

Keeping an office chair in your car is not a good idea if you plan to travel long distances. It is strongly recommended that you hire a cargo company if you need to move office chairs long distances. When you drive long distances with an office chair in the trunk of your car, the trunk can become damaged. In addition, your office chair may be damaged in different ways due to it.

How to Fit Your Chair Into Your Car

How to Fit Your Chair Into Your Car

An office chair's dimensions are usually about 40 x 20 inches, which makes it perfect for most cars. Alternatively, you can place the chair in the trunk of your sedan. It is important, however, to place your office ergonomic chair on passenger seats when transporting it so that it doesn't hit anything during the trip if you open the door with a hatchback.

The backseat of a small sedan or large SUV will still be big enough for this, so there will be no problem. When your car has less space, like small cars or station wagons, a trick is to use cardboard boxes as spacers between the seats. This will help you to fit everything else behind the box instead of putting groceries or luggage behind it.

Take measurements

To begin with, measure the full car's dimensions. To ensure there is enough space for an office chair and spare tire for luggage in the back seat or trunk of a mini cooper, you will need to know the width of the trunk or back seat. This is how you get to know if your new gaming chair or office chair will be proper for sedan trunks!

After measuring your car's space, take measurements of the passenger seat area and the opening of the front passenger seat door. When driving a nearby town along with bulky pieces inside that may possibly shift all through transit, you should have a bit of space on one or the other side of the car office chair so that it doesn't fit too tightly and risk damaging or scratching your vehicle's interior.

Folding the chair

Folding the chair

In addition to placing your chair for a standing desk on the floor in front of you, you can also store it in your car this way. Folding the chair allows it to take up less space, and it can even fit under a passenger seat if other items such as groceries or luggage are stored behind it. Before you transport your new office chair home, be sure to consider these tips so that your modern ergonomic chair doesn't take too long to open and close the door.

Fitting the chair

When you open or close the door of your sedan, make sure you don't hit anything while you're putting the chair in there. Instead of putting groceries, luggage, and other things behind the seat, you can use a cardboard box instead to create extra room between your seat and everything else.

The office chair in the car may now be folded up and placed on the floor in front of you with plenty of room for groceries or suitcases. Whenever you open or close a door, make sure you take time so that it won't take too long because this will be more difficult!

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