Calculate Calories Burned Per Hour While Resting
Work Wellness

Calculate Calories Burned Per Hour While Resting

|Jul 7, 2023

Calories are nothing but a component of energy, which is derived from food and utilized by the body for internal and external processes; when we participate in outdoor activities like walking, running, moving, or exercising, our body uses calorie energy from our food. It's the opposite when it comes to resting calorie burn.

During sleep, our bodies are continually working, for example, beating our hearts, changing hormones, digesting, and detoxifying all-consuming calories. The average person who weighs 70 kilograms will have 100 calories burned per hour while they sleep. In addition to maintaining body temperature, pumping blood, digesting food, etc., your internal body functions use this energy. In fact, this is why standing and sitting at your desk could be the best office workout without the use of bulky gym equipment.

What is My Resting Calorie Burn?

Calorie burn may be increased by setting a sleep pattern. REM sleep explains this. This can happen when your brain is highly active in a deep sleep. Increasing brain activity leads to an increase in calories consumed because the brain requires energy.

You indeed lose calories while sleeping and can even calculate resting calories burned per day. If you're going to pump the lungs, beat the heart, and keep the body at 98.6 degrees, you need to burn calories and use muscles. Your Basal Metabolic Rate governs the number of calories you burn throughout the day. A bit more than 100 calories are burned per hour, usually. When people refer to slow or fast metabolism, they are referring to calories burned standing vs. sitting.

Sleeping burns a lot of calories, much to many people's surprise. In spite of the fact that sleep consumes significantly less energy than most activities during the day, our brain and other bodily functions are still active during this time.

Sleep, diet, exercise, and other variables all play a role in determining how many calories you burn while sleeping. Knowing what influences metabolism may help you regain control over your health if you struggle with weight management or energy levels.

How to Calculate Resting Calorie Burn?

There are various equations to estimate your resting calorie burn. The Harris-Benedict Equation and the Mifflin-St Jeor Equation are two commonly used methods.

Harris-Benedict Equation

Men: BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 * weight in kg) + (4.799 * height in cm) - (5.677 * age in years)
Women: BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 * weight in kg) + (3.098 * height in cm) - (4.330 * age in years)

Mifflin-St Jeor Equation

Men: BMR = (10 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (5 * age in years) + 5
Women: BMR = (10 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (5 * age in years) - 161

Example Table: Calculating Resting Calorie Burn (BMR)

To better understand how to calculate your resting calorie burn using the Harris-Benedict and Mifflin-St Jeor equations, let's look at some examples for different individuals.

Example Individuals

IndividualSexAge (years)Weight (kg)Height (cm)
Individual AMale3070175
Individual BFemale2560165
Individual CMale4585180
Individual DFemale3575170

Calculated BMR Using Harris-Benedict Equation

IndividualBMR (Harris-Benedict)Calculation (Harris-Benedict)
Individual A1690 kcal/day88.362 + (13.397 * 70) + (4.799 * 175) - (5.677 * 30)
Individual B1395 kcal/day447.593 + (9.247 * 60) + (3.098 * 165) - (4.330 * 25)
Individual C1876 kcal/day88.362 + (13.397 * 85) + (4.799 * 180) - (5.677 * 45)
Individual D1535 kcal/day447.593 + (9.247 * 75) + (3.098 * 170) - (4.330 * 35)

Calculated BMR Using Mifflin-St Jeor Equation

IndividualBMR (Mifflin-St Jeor)Calculation (Mifflin-St Jeor)
Individual A1663 kcal/day(10 * 70) + (6.25 * 175) - (5 * 30) + 5
Individual B1373 kcal/day(10 * 60) + (6.25 * 165) - (5 * 25) - 161
Individual C1840 kcal/day(10 * 85) + (6.25 * 180) - (5 * 45) + 5
Individual D1507 kcal/day(10 * 75) + (6.25 * 170) - (5 * 35) - 161

Summary Table: BMR Calculation Examples

IndividualSexAge (years)Weight (kg)Height (cm)BMR (Harris-Benedict)BMR (Mifflin-St Jeor)
Individual AMale30701751690 kcal/day1663 kcal/day
Individual BFemale25601651395 kcal/day1373 kcal/day
Individual CMale45851801876 kcal/day1840 kcal/day
Individual DFemale35751701535 kcal/day1507 kcal/day

How to Use This Information

Calculate Your BMR: Use the equations or online BMR calculators to determine your resting calorie burn based on your specific details.

Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): Multiply your BMR by an activity factor to estimate your total daily energy expenditure.

  • Sedentary (little or no exercise): BMR * 1.2
  • Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): BMR * 1.375
  • Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): BMR * 1.55
  • Very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): BMR * 1.725
  • Super active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job): BMR * 1.9

Adjust Your Diet and Activity: Use your TDEE to guide your caloric intake for weight maintenance, loss, or gain.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to how many calories you burn at rest or when using moderate sitting exercise equipment. When you sleep or are in a coma, you burn calories. There will be more calories burned even if you live a sedentary life. An online calculator like the one referenced below can help you estimate what your BMR is.

With the calculator, you can estimate your BMR and TDEE based on your age, gender, weight, height, and activity level. The TDEE calculation based on your daily activity adds a factor to your BMR to estimate your total daily energy expenditure.

This estimate is not guaranteed to be accurate since it is derived from a model not calibrated to your specific situation. You will never know your BMR or TDEE exactly, but you'll get an idea of what it might be.

All else aside, lean people have a lower BMR than overweight people, so it is important to note that both BMR (and TDEE) estimates change from person to person based on their weight. Additionally, if you've been consuming a low-calorie diet, your BMR will be lower since your body will slowly adapt to the calorie restriction.

If this condition applies to you, the calculators will likely overestimate your actual BMR since they do not consider such factors. Since BMR does not consider your activity level, which is very relevant to determining how many calories you should consume in maintenance, raw BMR is unreliable for diet planning.

In spite of the fact that a healthy lifestyle encompasses a lot more than counting calories, the primary goal of most people is to lose those extra kilos that are bothering us. In order to achieve this, we must consume fewer calories every day than what we burn with our daily activities and easy standing exercises (if we have the time and desire). 

Food is measured in calories, which are units of energy. A day's worth of calories consumed and expended corresponds to a day's worth of fat stored by our body. The result is weight gain, of course. A MET (metabolic equivalent of task) represents 3.5 ml O2/kg x min, which is the minimum amount of oxygen the body requires to maintain vital signs. This formula converts 1 MET into kilocalories per minute and can be applied to calculate resting calories: 

Energy expenditure (kcal/min) = 0.0175 x MET x weight in kilograms

Plenty of apps come with a built-in resting calorie burn calculator. This sleeping calories burned calculator makes easier work of your weight loss program A 'calorie deficit' is often recommended by trainers and dietitians in order to lose weight. By eating less, we keep our calorie intake lower than our daily expenditures, which makes us lose weight as we boost metabolism. A person with a reduced metabolism is a result of fasting or hunger and needs about 300 calories for 8 hours of sleep or when sitting all day. An average 140-pound person sleeping only 8 hours burns approximately 400 kcalories. This is one of the health benefits of a standing desk

The number of hours you sleep and your weight determines how many calories get burned while sleeping. One hour of sleep burns approximately 0.42 calories per pound of body weight. An individual weighing 150 pounds burns about 63 calories in an hour.

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Sleeping Reduces Your Calorie Intake

Sleeping does burn calories, known as resting calorie burn. No matter how hard you try, you can't keep your body at 98.6 degrees, beat your heart, pump your lungs, and toss and turn without using your muscles and burning calories. Your Basal Metabolic Rate is measured by how many calories you burn during the day. The average hourly calorie consumption is a bit above 100. The slow (or fast) metabolism is what people mean when they say they have it. 

  • Based on the opinions of a sleep specialist, Dr. Michael Breus, our bodies burn calories during REM sleep.
  • The glucose metabolism accelerates during REM sleep, resulting in more calories burned.
  • It is known that the more sleep you get, the more calories that you burn - however, oversleeping has the opposite effect, slowing down your metabolism. 

Sleeping burns approximately 100 calories per hour for someone weighing 70kg. As a result of this energy, your body pumps blood, maintains body temperature, digests food, and so on. Calorie burn may be increased by setting a sleep pattern. This is due to rapid eye movement sleep, or REM sleep. The brain is highly active during deep sleep, so this occurs. Increased brain activity results in extra calories consumed due to the brain's energy needs. 

You've read that it's determined by your Basal Metabolism Rate or the amount of energy you use at rest. However, it's typically 42% per body pound when all things are equal. If a 125-pound woman slept for 8 hours at a rate of 52.5 calories per hour, she would burn approximately 420 calories.

Sleeping Reduces Your Calorie Intake

When You Sleep, How Many Calories Do You Burn?

How to calculate resting calories when you sleep? When your glucose metabolism increases, you burn more calories when you sleep well in the later hours of the night. You will burn more calories if you sleep longer. The more you sleep, the more REM sleep you have, and you end up burning more calories. 

Getting too little sleep even affects the calorie intake limit you have the next day. Sleep deprivation is a nasty habit that can make you hungrier, especially for high-fat foods. People with less sleep have less time to eat or end up skipping meals. However, sleeping all day won't burn you too many calories because oversleeping has the opposite effect. Over-sleeping slows metabolism because it keeps people in place of exercising. 

The average person burns fewer calories while sleeping than they do during the day since people weigh differently with different sleep patterns. The average person weighs about 150 pounds and requires about 8 hours of sleep, burns 63 calories per hour or 504 calories in total.

When You Sleep, How Many Calories Do You Burn?

Body temperature

You will burn extra calories by keeping your body temperature cooler as you sleep. When you sleep with a calmer body temperature, without cozy pajamas and an excess blanket, you let the body's thermostat offer normal body heat.

Too little sleep

You might think exercise for sleep is the best way to lose weight, but that's not the case. Sleep deprivation can make you put on weight if you don't get enough sleep.

Eating at night

Eating when your body thinks it is time for sleep is also possible to gain weight. It is, therefore, a good idea to sleep for 3 hours after eating.

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What is my resting calorie expenditure?

A person's basal metabolic rate or resting calorie burn rate is how many calories they burn at rest (called resting metabolism). In general, we can burn 45 calories per hour, depending on our height, age, and mass but there is a variation based on our height, age, and mass. So, does standing burn calories

We burn approximately 75-100 calories when we rest and do nothing. A person who is standing or fidgeting will burn more calories per hour than someone who is sitting. If an individual does nothing, they will burn approximately 0.48 calories per pound of weight or 0.05 calories per kilogram of weight per hour.

What is my resting calorie expenditure?

An hour's worth of activity burns how many calories?

You are estimated to burn 180 to 266 calories in an hour if you do one hour of weight training. When your workout intensity is increased to a vigorous level, your calorie burn increases to 360 to 532 calories per hour.

What is the calorie burning rate while sleeping?

Sleep burns approximately 544 to 728 calories per hour or 68 to 91 calories per hour. The average person who weighs 150 pounds (68kg) burns about 68 calories an hour while sleeping (544 calories in eight hours).

In general, we burn around 100 calories per hour while sleeping. Depending on their biomechanical rate (BMR), each person burns a different amount of calories during sleep. Among the body's essential functions, the basal metabolic rate contributes to circulation, breathing, cellular growth and repair, and temperature regulation. The basal metabolic rate counts for one-third of the daily resting calorie burn in most people. At rest, the brain consumes around 20% of our calories.

Is sleeping calorie-burning?

What is your sleep calorie burn? A very approximate estimate is that we burn about 50 calories an hour when we sleep. The amount of calories burned during sleep varies from person to person, depending on basal metabolic rate.

Is it possible to burn calories during sleep if you work out before bed?

While working out before bedtime will burn calories, keep in mind that your body will burn more calories during the day. The workout may have left you feeling wired, and you may be unable to fall asleep. As a rule of thumb, we recommend at least a 3-hour gap between working out and bedtime unless you are doing an exceptionally intense workout. HIIT & metabolic conditioning can help you burn massive calories after working out if you can handle the intensity.

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