Best Office Pets for Happy Workplaces
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Best Office Pets for Happy Workplaces

|Nov 27, 2021

Did you know that researchers suggest that keeping pets makes you happier and helps fight stress in many ways? With the importance of ergonomics in the workplace, the workplace dynamics are shifting from serious to more towards a fun and happy environment. This doesn't mean that work seriousness has decreased, but the value of employee satisfaction and mental wellness has increased substantially in a modern workplace. That being said, office pets are a common practice observed in workplaces to rein stain positive work culture. And good office pets make a great addition to your workplace, but the truth is certain pets only work for a workplace according to workplace morale and office safety tips.

If your workplace is also planning to have office animals and is searching for office pets ideas, we have some of the happiest and productive best office pets' suggestions.

11 Best Office Pets Ideas for Happy Workplaces

1. Cats

Cats office pets

Cats are a wonderful complement to any working setting. They're low-maintenance pets that don't need much attention or space to thrive in the office.

You'll need to give a litter box, food, and water, but you won't have to take your cat out for a stroll every few hours to do its business. This is especially useful if your team is working on a critical project.

Cats can get into places they shouldn't (behind monitors and other computer equipment), and their dander can irritate allergies, but they're great office companions for everyone. Thus you might need an air purifier to capture the pet hair and avoid any allergies.

Cats are arguably the most popular choice for a work mascot out of the two options — cats or dogs. The greatest thing about keeping cats as office pets? They suit the work etiquettes perfectly.

2. Dogs

Dogs office pets

When there are cats, there need to be dogs for your office pets. As opposed to cats, dogs do demand extra care and attention. Another factor is the breed of dog you have chosen, which impacts the dog's size in your workplace. A large dog is a cute companion, but it can take up huge space in your office and budge into furniture or equipment, increasing the chances of damage.

But one great thing about having a dog as an office pet is that you can train them with time and manage them responsibly. Once trained, there is no better company to relieve work stress than a dog. But don't forget the frequent walks.

3. Hedgehogs

Hear us out! Hedgehogs are unusual pets in the workplace, but this doesn't mean you should discard them entirely. Hedgehogs reside in tanks or enclosures, but they don't mind being held and may even crawl across your shoulder or curl up on your lap in a sheet. Hedgehogs' tummies are soft, and their quills are rigid, but only when they feel threatened, despite their prickly appearance.

4. Fish

Fish office pets

Keeping fish in the office is not a new concept because you must be fond of watching big aquariums in many workplaces by now. The reason is, fish are entertaining and low-maintenance friends that will look fantastic on your desk. They are also very pretty and come in different breeds. However, because of space constraints and a lack of sunshine, your fish selection will be limited.

5. Sea Monkeys

Sea monkeys are the most low-maintenance workplace pets or office pets imaginable, second only to pet rocks. Brine shrimp are the same species as sea monkeys. They come in packets, and you rehydrate and re-animate the shrimp by emptying the powder into tanks and adding water. The process of putting together a sea monkey tank is quite fulfilling because bringing the monkeys "to life" has a very self-achieved feel to it.

6. Hamster

We all have seen hamsters on a running wheel in various movies and TV shows. This is because a hamster is a child-friendly pet. They are cute, pretty, and very stress-relieving to look at. Although these little buddies are friendly enough to hold, keeping them in the cage is the right approach as they are tiny and can hide into any corner or maybe even get hurt in the pool of wire.

7. Rabbits

Rabbits office pets

Rabbits are one of the greatest office pets since they are highly gregarious, playful, curious, and intellectual animals. They enjoy socializing and playing with other friendly rabbits, and many of them also enjoy socializing with humans (for example, through gentle petting).

If you're concerned about odors or messes, don't be. Rabbits are quite clean animals, and they can be trained to use a litter box to deposit all of their pee and droppings in one convenient location, making cleaning much easier for you.

8. Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs make excellent office pets. They are low-cost, easy-to-maintain, and non-disruptive. While some may claim that hermit crabs aren't entertaining, watching them interact with their surroundings is intriguing. Furthermore, adorning tanks allows teammates to show off their style. Art departments that are eager to modify shells with spectacular decorations would love hermit crabs.

9. Tortoise

Tortoise office pets

Tortoises aren't typically thought of as cuddly; you can't teach them any tricks, they sleep for half the year, and they aren't cheap. They are, nonetheless, interesting creatures that have been popular family pets for nearly 50 years. But although they live long, a tiny tortoise can be great enough to last you for generations.

10. Budgies

If you love to bring a little color to your workplace, you can never go wrong with budgies. Budgies are known as serial poopers, but their waste dries up quickly and doesn't smell, so you can easily check that hygiene box. Once a week cleaning is fine for them. Moreover, budgies are fun as they can be taught different phrases, and they also can do mimicry well. A reason to laugh in the office for sure.

Thirdly they love to sit on your finger or shoulder, and you can carry them around the office. However, containing them in a confined workplace doesn't seem like a good idea.

11. Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs office pets

The fact that guinea pigs are so easy to care for is one of the key reasons they make such a terrific workplace pet. They are generally well-behaved and friendly rodents who require minimal attention, especially when in the company of other cavies.

They'll need time out of their cages to stretch their legs and explore their surroundings or cuddle in your lap because daily interaction and attention are crucial for their well-being. Grooming is also required regularly; short-haired guinea pigs can be groomed once a week, but long-haired species require grooming daily.

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