Best Innovative Employee Perks Ideas for Happy and Productive Employees

Best Innovative Employee Perks Ideas for Happy and Productive Employees

|Dec 18, 2023

Are you looking for innovative employee perks so your business can start developing a better, healthier company culture? Here we have some tips you can use for this purpose.

Employee perk programs have been around for quite a while. Still, as the workforce continues evolving and the younger generations start taking it over, companies are starting to offer more "quality of life" updates to their companies to make their workplaces a pleasant experience for everyone.

We’ve already talked about employee benefit trends before. However, what about innovative employee perks? After all, it has become a crucial factor regarding employee retention.

Before we start diving deep into this topic, we'd like to clarify the difference between perks and benefits so you can be sure what you are stepping into, so it would help if you had a clearer idea of what to offer to your employees by the end of the article.

Differences between Perks and Benefits

There are huge differences between perks and benefits. Although both terms are similar, they comprehend different aspects and are meant to contribute positively to different situations.

Firstly, a perk is considered an extra reward or incentive that is not tied to the basic salary. It is also worth noting that perks contribute to the company culture and employee experience. Thus, they can make the office a more pleasant place for the employees without directly compensating them. For example, a perk would be offering free food at the workplace during lunchtime. Perks for work from home, such as flexible hours, are also considered a perk.

On the other hand, benefits are provided to employees so they can improve their quality of life. Benefits often cover specific expenses that, in another situation, the employee would have paid. Here we can include medical insurance, for instance.

As of now, companies are using employee perks to attract new talents and continue expanding their horizons. As the work industry continues expanding, the younger generations are taking over the workforce. US statistics say that 56 percent of millennials believe that the benefits and perks are equally or more important than the company's salary when it comes to deciding if the job opportunity is worth it.

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Innovative Employee Perks for Business to Improve the Worker Experience

Now you are more in touch with how perks work. However, some of the examples we've given throughout the article are overused (although that doesn't mean it is a bad idea to include them in your list). If you’re looking for something more innovative that may make your employees’ minds blow, here we have some new employee perks ideas you probably haven’t considered before.

Health perks

Besides offering life insurance or medical insurance to your employees, there are many other ways in which you can show your employees how much you care about their health. There's plenty of ideas here, such as on-site yoga classes during selected days of the week or maybe offering healthy snacks or lunches.

Promoting a healthier lifestyle can have good results in the long term. A person with good energy levels will be capable of finding the motivation they need to continue contributing to the company.

Flexible schedules

It is impossible for certain companies or industries to offer flexible work schedules due to the specific nature of the job. If your company is able to offer flexible schedules to determined positions, why not offer them that opportunity?

We can mention many tasks that could be performed at any time of the day without any specific repercussions, such as accounting and data entry. Offering flexible schedules for people in those positions may help them ease their minds and give their best while they're completing their obligations.

Paid birthdays

Here is one of the innovative employee perks to implement in your business. Birthdays are special days for any person. However, not all of us have the luck of celebrating it on a free day every year. If you'd like to boost your employees' morale, why not offer them a paid day off yearly so they can celebrate their birthday? This employee perks program can have an important effect on your employees' mindset and will tell a lot about how much you care about their mental health. Also, it's a great opportunity to make the occasion even more special than it already is!

Remote work

Similar to remote work, it is impossible for specific industries to offer remote work. However, most of the office obligations can be completed from home perfectly. Hence, work from home or work from anywhere are considered perks instead of benefits.

Also, even if your company is able to offer remote work, not all employees will be suitable for that.  You’ll need to take into account what roles can and what others cannot work offsite, but in the end, those with that opportunity will appreciate it.

Of course, here we have to take into account multiple factors. You need to define if you'll allow them to work remotely on certain days of the week, if that's possible only during a few numbers days per month, or if it's a permanent position.

Remote work isn't necessarily an innovative employee perk at work. Still, it can be extremely helpful for both ends as your employees will be happier, and you will save on space-related costs and office supplies. Overall, we consider this to be one of the best employee perks that a company can offer.

Training programs

You can offer training programs to new employees or those that would like to expand their knowledge. Similar to the previous perk, it is beneficial for both ends. Your employees will be learning more while you will obtain well-trained workers.

Of course, this perk should be optional. As you don’t know what obligations your employees have outside their workplace, it is better to put a list where they can apply, for instance, and see who’s up to it.


If you'd like to incorporate innovative employee perks, first, you'll have to analyze your company and figure out what you can and cannot offer. In the end, it will be beneficial for you and the employees as you'll be promoting a healthier company culture, and they will enjoy working at the company.

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