9 Essential Work from Home Survey Questions That Company Should Do

9 Essential Work from Home Survey Questions That Company Should Do

|May 3, 2021

You were successful in transitioning many employees to remote working, and the distributed staff is operational now. Though you think the work is over, it’s just beginning. It’s time to focus on productivity, happiness, and the health of the workforce when they may not be familiar with the hybrid workforce situation.

For most employees, they aren’t familiar with logging in from a home office (or kitchen table). It’s foreign to them, and they could struggle because they don’t see the managers often or don’t know the best practices regarding cybersecurity.

It’s important to have a work from home survey available so that everyone knows what’s expected of them. This may be temporary, and you may want to have some return to work survey questions to ask. However, right now, you’re focusing on having the right work from home stress survey to make sure people are suited for remote working.

How the Pandemic Has Affected People Who Work from Home

The pandemic has made it to where more people work from home than ever before. However, it hasn’t been all roses and glamor. Many of these people get burned out, have no balance between work and life, and end up not managing their time effectively.

How the Pandemic Has Affected People Who Work from Home

On the other hand, the pandemic also forced companies into a hybrid workforce. Though people are now able to go back to the office, they may have the anxiety of returning to work. Employees don’t want to risk getting COVID, and they know that they have been productive at home. They may wonder what’s up if the company forces them back to the office.

Therefore, hybrid work environments are becoming a thing of the here and now and the future. Having employees answer a survey for remote work ensures that there’s no confusion later.

List of Must-have Survey Questions for Remote Workers

Here are a few work from home survey questions to help companies and employees figure out if remote working is right for them:

1. Do you feel comfortable working from home?

This is going to set the tone for the work from home survey. If they say they do, you can talk about the policies in place to make sure there’s no confusion.

Do you feel comfortable working from home?

2. Have you ever worked from home?

This could be a new experience for the employee. Be prepared to give them extra support so that they can adjust to remote working. Usually, the work from home survey questions are open-end, so employees can explain themselves.

3. Do you have a good work routine established at the office? Can it be adapted to remote working?

Typically, people want to work from home to avoid child care costs, but that means taking “work time” off to handle those needs. In most situations, having a survey for remote work means you find out what the employee’s work routine is all about. You can explain everything there is to know about the policies in place and how to log in and out.

Do you have a good work routine established at the office? Can it be adapted to remote working?

4. Are you going to take regular breaks?

Even though the employee is working at home now, they still need to take appropriate effective breaktime. They can use the same system in place for office breaks, based on the office policy. It’s a good idea to put this in your work from home stress survey so that employees know they can and should take frequent breaks throughout the day.

5. Do you have a good work/life balance?

Many people start feeling guilty if they aren’t sitting at the desk. Make sure your employee knows that it is okay to get away from the home desk to go out for fresh air. They can go for a walk at lunchtime, exercise afterward, or visit with friends after working hours. It encourages them to have a better work-life balance.

During the survey for remote work, ask them all the ways that they can balance work and personal life. That way, you know they can and are willing to do so.

6. Do you feel that you’re just as productive at home as in the office?

Generally, you want the answer to this question to be yes, or more productive. The work from home survey is going to tell you if they believe they can do it. From there, you can work on ways for them to succeed.

Do you feel that you’re just as productive at home as in the office?

7. Do you have a workplace in the house?

Most people create a home office or already have a spot. The work from home survey questions should focus on where the employee is planning to work. If it doesn’t seem appropriate, that can be dealt with now.

Do you have a workplace in the house?

8. Do you trust yourself to work at home?

The work from home survey should emphasize the fact that the employee has to trust themselves to do the work without a lot of supervision.

9. Do you feel that the company is giving you the support you need?

You want them to answer yes, but this is where honest feedback can help you. This survey for remote work can be beneficial in finding out if the employees feel like you’re doing all that you can.

How a Company Can Help with These Issues

Your employees must have the tools necessary to do their jobs. For most, that means having a specified area to work. They may be able to clean out a small portion of a room or an entire one to set up a home office. However, that requires them to have an ergonomic office chair and a standing desk.

How a Company Can Help with These Issues

Company owners can offer to purchase these items or give discounts on them. That way, employees feel like they are cared about. On top of that, it makes employees want to have devoted spaces to work, which can reduce distractions and help with productivity.


Having a work from home survey in place is essential for businesses. That way, you get an idea of what the employee thinks they can do. They also focus more on this aspect and strive to do well so that remote working is available in the coming years.

A work from home stress survey is a great tool to use throughout the months of remote working. That way, you can spot burnout sooner and take action

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