5 Sitting In Chair Leg Exercises That You Can Do At Any Time
Work Wellness

5 Sitting In Chair Leg Exercises That You Can Do At Any Time

|Jun 11, 2021

While we're at the office, we basically surrender to a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting for prolonged periods can be dangerous, especially for senior citizens. It may lead to major problems like lower back pain and pain in the extremities. However, sitting in chair leg exercises can help you find relief in the extremities.

While we're sitting, it is very normal for most people to cross their legs. This action may lead to circulation problems, which means you'll be more vulnerable than your perks that do leg exercises at work.

It’s not complicated to get started with these exercises if you want to improve your health. An office chair with a leg rest (or a regular one, whichever you have) is all you need to get started.

Why is doing leg exercises while sitting helpful?

But why do you need a chair to do these exercises?

Some people don't have the time to exercise at home, or maybe they're feeling too much discomfort while they're sitting in indeterminate areas. According to the experience of millions of office workers, this part of the population is more prone to lumbar, neck, leg, and shoulder pain than the rest.

However, first, you should know that the reason behind these ailments is not only due to poor chair ergonomics but also may be a consequence of bad sitting posture and other illnesses related to the bones, such as osteoarthritis.

If you feel related to what we said above, perhaps the following sitting in chair leg exercises can be very helpful towards starting a new lifestyle.

Please remember to get in touch with your physician if you’re starting to feel certain symptoms. This article is for informational purposes and shouldn’t replace the opinion of an expert.

Why is doing leg exercises while sitting helpful?

5 Seated leg exercises you can do at your work desk

Today, we'll share an office chair workout with you that can have beneficial effects on your body afterward. Still, remember that making physical activity a daily habit is what's best to avoid feeling bad and may help prolong our lives.

Although some people may think it’s not possible to improve the strength of your legs while you’re sitting, it is possible. This section describes step by step five leg exercises at your desk that you can do at any time. They're simple so that any person can get started at their own pace.

1. Toe taps

For this exercise, you’ll need to sit upright, with your feet parallel to the ground. Flex your toes up, and then put them back in their resting position.

You can make this desk posture exercise more challenging by sitting at the seat’s edge while keeping your legs completely erect. However, please note that you’ll have to maintain your heels on the ground while the exercise is ongoing.

You can do at least eight repetitions for it to be helpful. This exercise is meant for your calves mostly. These muscles are used every time you try to climb stairs, for instance.

2. Knee lifts

The next exercise is a simple knee lift.

For starters, please sit upright with your back leaning to the backrest. Keep both of your feet parallel to the ground. Then, start lifting your leg toward your torso until you can’t flex it anymore, and put it back into the starting position.

This sitting in chair leg exercise works best when you do at least ten repetitions for each leg. This is one of the most effective home office exercises you can do, even if you don't have the appropriate ergonomic chair.

3. Knee-to-Chest

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but the difficulty is greatly increased. Thus, the effort you’ll put into it will be bigger, and the results will be even better.

  • Sit on the chair’s edge comfortably with your back leaning into the backrest, which should be in a slight inclination.

  • Maintain your back straight while sticking out your chest.

  • Place your hand on each armrest or side of the chair so that you can maintain yourself stable. Then, extend your legs so that your feet can be as far from your body as possible. Your toes should be pointing to the ceiling.

  • Once you’re in the correct position, please start flexing up your knees toward your chest. Please do it as close to your torso as you can. Then, you can slowly go back into the starting position.

Repeat this sitting in chair leg exercise at least eight times for better results. If you find it too hard or exhaustive to do it with both legs, you can take turns for each leg.


4. Extended leg raise

This exercise is also similar to the previous one.

  • First, start by sitting comfortably on the chair’s edge. Your back should be leaning toward the backrest.

  • Once done, please extend your feet to put them as far from your body as possible. They should be pointing to the sky.

  • Place your hands on your chair’s armrest or each side of it for further support.

  • Once done, please start lifting one of your legs slowly until you cannot lift it anymore.

  • Please put it back into the starting position, and repeat the process for the opposite leg.

This sitting in chair leg exercise works best when you do from eight to twelve repetitions. It only takes about four minutes to complete and is also extremely effective. Not only will you cultivate better leg health, but you also will put more effort into your abdomen.

5. Leg kicks

  • First, start by sitting comfortably on the chair’s edge. Your back should be leaning toward the backrest.

  • Your core and back should be as straight as possible. Then, place both of your hands on your chair’s armrests or each side of it for further support.

  • Once done, please extend your feet to put them as far from your body as possible. They should be pointing to the sky.

  • Lift one of your legs until you can't anymore without moving your body at all. Then, put it back to the starting position, almost as if you were swimming.

Repeat this sitting in the chair leg, exercise the same process for the opposite leg, and do at least eight reps for better results.

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