Is It Better to Workout Before or After Work?
Work Wellness

Is It Better to Workout Before or After Work?

|Jun 26, 2024

Finding the perfect time to exercise can be a challenge, especially when balancing a busy work schedule. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, the question remains: is it better to workout before or after work? Here, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of both options to help you decide when to fit in your fitness routine.

Benefits of Working Out Before Work

Increased Energy and Focus

Starting your day with a workout can significantly boost your energy levels and enhance mental clarity. Exercising in the morning releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which can set a positive tone for the rest of the day. If you often find yourself asking, "should I workout before or after work?" consider how a morning exercise routine can help you feel more energized and focused at work.

Consistency and Routine

Morning workouts can help establish a consistent exercise routine. By prioritizing your workout first thing in the morning, you’re less likely to skip it due to unexpected events or evening fatigue. This consistency can be crucial for achieving long-term fitness goals.

Better Sleep

Regular morning exercise can improve your sleep quality. Engaging in physical activity earlier in the day helps regulate your circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up refreshed.

Benefits of Working Out Before Work

Benefits of Working Out After Work

Stress Relief

After a long day at work, exercising can be an excellent way to relieve stress and unwind. Physical activity helps reduce cortisol levels, the body’s stress hormone, allowing you to relax and decompress after work. If you’re wondering how to workout after work effectively, consider incorporating activities that you enjoy to make the process more appealing.

Improved Performance

Your body temperature is higher in the late afternoon and early evening, which can enhance muscle function and strength. This can lead to better performance during your workouts. If you’ve been feeling too tired to workout after work, try scheduling your exercise session for the time when your body is naturally more prepared for physical activity.

Social Opportunities

Evening workouts can offer more social opportunities, such as group fitness classes or gym meetups. Exercising with others can boost motivation and make your workouts more enjoyable. If you lack the energy to workout after work, finding a workout buddy can provide the encouragement you need.

Overcoming Challenges of Working Out After Work

How to Get Energy to Workout After Work

If you often feel no energy to workout after work, consider small lifestyle adjustments to boost your energy levels. Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding heavy meals before your workout can make a significant difference. Additionally, short power naps or consuming a healthy snack before your workout can help rejuvenate your energy levels.

How to Go to the Gym After Work

Planning ahead can make going to the gym after work easier. Pack your gym bag the night before and keep it in your car or office. Setting a specific time for your workout and treating it like an appointment can help you stay committed. Additionally, exploring office workout equipment can provide convenient alternatives if you can't make it to the gym.

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout After Work

Motivation can be a significant barrier to evening workouts. Setting clear fitness goals and tracking your progress can help keep you motivated. Rewarding yourself for meeting milestones, whether it's with a small treat or a relaxing activity, can also boost your motivation.

Overcoming Challenges of Working Out After Work

How to Workout While Working

Balancing work and fitness can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine without leaving your workspace. Here are some effective ways to workout while working, helping you stay active and healthy even during the busiest workdays.

Desk Exercises

Seated Leg Raises: Sit straight in your chair, extend one leg out straight and hold for a few seconds, then lower it. Repeat with the other leg. This exercise strengthens your core and legs without requiring you to leave your desk.

Chair Dips: Place your hands on the edge of your chair and slide your bottom off, lowering your body down and then pushing back up. This works your triceps and shoulders effectively.

Desk Push-ups: Stand a few feet away from your desk, place your hands on the edge, and perform push-ups. This is a great way to strengthen your upper body during short breaks.

Standing Desk Exercises

Calf Raises: Stand tall and lift your heels off the ground, balancing on your toes. Lower back down slowly. This standing desk workout improves calf strength and can be done while standing at your desk.

Squats: With your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your body as if you're sitting back into a chair, then rise back up. Squats can be done behind your desk and are excellent for your legs and glutes.

Using Office Equipment

Balance Board Workout: Incorporate a balance board into your standing desk routine to engage your core muscles and improve stability. Check out these balance board exercises for a comprehensive workout.

Mini Elliptical: Place a mini elliptical under your desk to get some cardio while you work. This low-impact exercise helps improve circulation and burn calories without leaving your chair.

Stretching and Mobility

Back Stretches: Regularly stretching your back can alleviate tension and prevent pain. Try these back stretches after workouts to keep your spine healthy and flexible.

Neck and Shoulder Rolls: Gently roll your neck and shoulders to release built-up tension from sitting for long periods. This simple exercise can be done anytime you need a quick break.

Using an Office Chair

Office Chair Workout: Utilize your office chair for a full-body workout. These office chair workouts include exercises like seated leg lifts, chair squats, and seated twists to keep you active throughout the day.


How to Get Energy to Workout After Work?

Eat a Balanced Snack: Have a small snack with protein and carbs about an hour before you leave work. This can boost your energy levels.

Stay Hydrated: Drink water throughout the day to keep your energy up and avoid fatigue.

Take a Short Walk: A brief walk or light stretching in the afternoon can re-energize you.

Listen to Music: Music can be a great motivator. Listen to your favorite upbeat songs to get into the workout mindset.

Set a Routine: Consistency can help your body adjust. Make working out a regular part of your daily schedule.

How to Go to the Gym After Work?

  • Pack Your Gym Bag: Prepare your gym clothes and gear the night before or in the morning.
  • Go Straight to the Gym: Don’t go home first; head straight to the gym from work to avoid losing momentum.
  • Schedule It: Treat your workout like any other appointment. Put it on your calendar and set reminders.
  • Find a Gym Buddy: Having a friend to meet at the gym can provide extra motivation and accountability.
  • Choose a Convenient Gym: Select a gym that is either close to your work or home to make the trip easier.

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout After Work?

Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your workouts and keep your goals visible.

Reward Yourself: Plan a reward for completing your workout, like a healthy treat or watching your favorite show.

Visualize the Benefits: Remind yourself of the benefits of working out, such as better health, improved mood, and more energy.

Create a Fun Routine: Mix up your workouts to keep them interesting and enjoyable.

Join a Class: Group classes can be more engaging and provide a sense of community and support.

Is It Better to Workout Before Work or After Work?

CriteriaWorking Out Before WorkWorking Out After Work
Pros- Boosts energy and mood for the day- Relieves stress accumulated during the day
 - Fewer distractions and quieter gym- More time for extended workouts
 - Improves focus and productivity- No need to rush through your workout
  - Easier to find workout buddies
Cons- Requires earlier wake-up time- Risk of feeling too tired or unmotivated
 - Can be difficult to adjust to a morning routine- Potential for more crowded gyms
 - May feel rushed if not planned properly- May conflict with social activities or errands
Best For- Morning people who prefer starting their day active- Those who prefer to unwind after work
 - Individuals with a flexible morning schedule- People with demanding morning routines
Considerations- Set a consistent bedtime- Plan meals and snacks to maintain energy
 - Prepare workout clothes the night before- Go straight to the gym from work
Overall RecommendationTry both to see which fits better with your lifestyle and provides the most benefitsTry both to see which fits better with your lifestyle and provides the most benefits

Should You Workout Before or After Work?

The best time to work out depends on your personal schedule, energy levels, and preferences. Morning workouts can set a positive tone for the day and are less likely to be interrupted by unexpected events. However, evening workouts can be a great way to unwind and de-stress. Consider trying both to see which fits better with your lifestyle and provides the most benefits for you.


Deciding whether to workout before or after work ultimately depends on your personal preferences, schedule, and fitness goals. Both morning and evening workouts offer unique benefits, from increased energy and focus to stress relief and improved performance. Assess your lifestyle and choose the time that aligns best with your needs.

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